Old Blog

Before the girls were walking, talking bundles of entertainment, I kept a record of what they did in another blog. It was kind of a digital Baby Book that made looking back on our twin cuties easy.

Hudson Day 1
Elle Day 1

I kept track of all the craziness that was happening, from pregnancy, illnesses, surgeries, walking, talking, crawling, etc.

Here are some of the early blog posts that I did before I started this one:


March 31, 2008
Hudson was the first to break the “word” barrier and boy can this kid talk. Well she really only says one thing over and over, but she likes to say it.

While it seems quite flattering and fun that Hudson’s “first words” are “DADA,” I’m still not quite sure if she knows what it means or if she’s just saying it because it’s the first thing she can say. And why is it that babies tend to say dada first? It seems just as easy for them to make the “ma” sound as it would the “da” sound? Whatever it is, i’m not going to lie, i love it. Not just for the fact that it sounds like they’re talking to me, but for the fact that they’re about to enter a new chapter in their lives.

The talking phase…here we go folks, i’m about to have 3 very vocal women in my house. Don’t pity me, just send money.

Spiderman who? I’ve got Wonderwoman.

April 8, 2008
So I was scanning through my old emails..cleaning stuff out here at gjp and I came across this gem…funny enough Trace and I were just talking the other night about it and said we should write it down. I forgot I already had. (long read)

So with all the hubbub about Spidey 3 coming out I thought I’d take a chance to fill you in on Wonder Woman.

It was a beautiful Sunday and I finally got the chance to wheel Tracey outside to enjoy the weather. It was a bit overwhelming for her since she’d been locked up for over a month, but nice all the same. We went back to the room and settled in.

So in the midst of me trying to take a nap just after 9pm, Tracey received a huge kick from “baby A”. So big in fact that it broke her water.

After confirming this with a couple of tests, her contractions immediately picked up in intensity, pain and how fast they happened (every 2 min and extremely painful). She was moved to the Labor and delivery. She got a couple rounds of morphine which did nothing for her. She got her epidural and that wasn’t much help either. For her this all took a long time because every painful contraction was digging at her. For me, it all seemed to happen in two minutes. So shortly after getting more drugs that didn’t really help the dr. came in and said “this baby is ready to come out.”

I was thrown a bag with scrubs in it and she was whisked down to the operating room where there were 15 people ready and waiting for her. I’ll spare you the pushing details but needless to say, before I knew it one baby was out and they were checking on the other one to make sure she was ok in there. A split second later they are telling Tracey that her worst nightmare is coming true and they have to take baby B and they have to take her now.

This was a huge rush of people running around getting things set up for a C-section and all of the sudden there are two babies out in the world crying. Of course both of them were shipped off to the NICU before I or Tracey even had a chance to really see them, but we were assured they were doing great and everything was ok. And by 1:30 am they had arrived. The trouble maker and the starter of all this “baby A” is now known as beautiful, little Hudson Renee Dye. Her equally beautiful and little sister… and partner in crime  “baby B” is now known as Elle Ireland Dye.

They both weighed in at an even 3lbs a piece and just under 16 inches long. They say it’s crazy that both of them weighed exactly the same. Apparently that doesn’t happen much. They are both doing great taking food and digesting it, which gets them increased food and a greater potential to get off the feeding tube soon. They are both breathing on their own thanks to those early trips to the hospital that got Tracey those painful steroid shots to help their lungs develop. So far, so good with the pretty identical twin girls. Tracey is now recovering from what can be considered some of the worst pain she’s ever endured and is in dire need of some “quality” rest, but it’s been very hard because she’s had some other problems that have kept her feeling quite poorly (besides the obvious double whammy). She is quite sick and unable to eat much because of some intestinal problems that the doctors are trying to figure out as I type. Plus she lost lots of blood and is short on hemoglobin. She is doing the best she can and is really concerned with getting better so she can take care of her girls and it’s very frustrating for her. Her spirits were greatly boosted last night when we took a trip down and got to hold little Elle for the first time. Hudson was under the uv lamp to prevent jaundice so we’ll get to hold her tonight.

Sooooo… There you have it.   In short, well more like long. But either way.. You have it.

I know I’ve forgot to include some people on this so if you notice someone is not on the list please feel free to forward it on to them. And enjoy the pics. My digital camera holds 550 pictures so I’m sure there will be many more to come.

Love you all

Nate  and Tracey (from a the hospital)

First First Birthday Party

April 27, 2008
So maybe having family split up in several different cities isn’t so bad after all. Well, for the girls and their multiple birthday parties anyways. It’s usually a little later in life when people start calling it their birthday week…but not these two. They’re blessed with two wonderful families that just so happen to be spread around the country, and boy did they make out like bandits.

So…we made our first long road trip with the girls last weekend (the weekend before their birthday) to St. Louis. They did amazingly well for such a long drive, cause they slept most of the way, but either way i was impressed.

It was great for everyone to come in to town, i know it means the world to tracey and me (and the girls too of course). Not only did the trip go well and everyone came in, but luckily the girls weren’t sick and that in itself was a birthday miracle we could be thankful for.

Friday night was nice…everyone coming over to hang out and catch up a bit…nothing too crazy.

The girls slept pretty well considering being in a different place, time change, etc. Saturday morning started off early, with the girls getting up and getting things going for us. With everyone in the family ready and willing to watch the girls, tracey and i were off to do a little shopping. And by a little i mean a lot. Thank the lord there is no H&M here in Cincy or we’d be in trouble.

Another part of the crew went to the hill, where it’s rumored that Tom knocked down a little old lady in order to get to his prized bread (note: i was not there so i can’t validate that anyone was hurt in the retrieval of the bread). This bread was heading back to Kansas City and that was that. Or so we were told.

We got home and everyone got ready for dinner and a little celebration for the girls’ birthday. After dinner came the cakes. As you can see in the photos from the trip…they had no hesitation digging in. There was orange and blue icing everywhere. There were face first dives into the cakes and it was a blast. They are so funny. (check out the video section for the cake dive)

So we wrapped up a long day with everyone scattered around the house (a huge thanks goes out to the kids for giving up their rooms for us). It was a great first first birthday party.

We spent the next morning tearing into Tom’s prized bread which made about 87 pieces of toast for everyone in the family to enjoy. Thanks Tom, it was worth knocking that lady over. We hung out for a while and then started the load up for the drive home. The trip was a little different on the way home cause we had to split into two cars…one the golf and the other our new Mini Van! (thanks Jeff and Joyce, we love it so far). After some tearful goodbyes we were on our way. The trip home was as smooth with some rain and lots more crying from fussy babies, but we made it home.

Overall it was an amazing weekend and we will definitely have to do it again sooner than later. Thank you so much to everyone who came in for the visit. Thanks to Jeff, Joyce and the kids for the amazing hospitality. We had a wonderful time and can’t wait to see you all again soon.

One party down…one more to go.

Wait, what day is it?

 July 31, 2009
Ok. Ok. I know  what day it is and that I haven’t given any updates in a while, but if you’ve stuck in here with me, then I promise you’ll get a big kiss the next time I see you. A lot has actually been going on  lately, not only with the girls, but with our household in general.

I’m sure some of you might have heard that the girls have been sick lately. And by lately, I mean for the last month. Yep, that’s right. Sick in the summer. It’s been pretty awesome.

So I’ll start at the beginning, if i can remember that far. Hudson came down with a fever and not just a little one. We’re talking 104 high for a long time. So she started on a program of motrin and tylenol to keep her cool. It seemed like some sort of virus (and one was going around daycare) so we figured it would pass, but it didn’t. After a few days of this we took her to the dr. and found that not only did she have the virus, but it caused her to get a double ear infection. 1 antibiotic and 7 days later, she’s good to go.

Just in time for Elle (who’d been perfect to that point) to come down with the same fever. And we all know that fevers scare us, especially with Elle. So we started her on the motrin/tylenol routine and then took her to the dr. when it didn’t get better. She seemed fine aside from the virus so we waited it out. A week into it (on a Sunday), her fever spiked and she started to turn blue and say “I cold Daddy Mommy,” but she was on fire. So we headed to the emergency room and by the time we got there her fever (which they took rectally, I’ll tell you more on that later) was at an astounding 105. They got her fever down, ran a series of tests including a catheter and an IV. And through all of this, she never once complained, whined, cried or even made a noise of discontent. It was amazing. She even said, when they were taking her temp rectally “I poopin daddy, i poopin.” She’ll hate me for that later, but it was so funny that we had to turn away and laugh.

Her tests came back and we found out she had pneumonia, so they gave her an antibiotic through the IV, then prescribed her another to take on top of the one she was already on. That’s right, three antibiotics, but none of them really worked cause she struck up a fever again the following Saturday, which prompted more doctors, tests, hospitals and pain. She was tested for everything under the sun and her pneumonia didn’t seem to get any better. It leads them to believe it is viral pneumonia, which has to heal on it’s own.

In the meantime, Hudson was also treated for pneumonia cause she got a fever again. So another antibiotic, but it seemed to work on her. Elle is still not 100 percent, but she’s getting there. She has to stay out of daycare for a couple more weeks to help build up her immune system which has been wrecked by this whole deal. So that’s fun. But thank you to everyone who’s helped for the last month with sitting and helping us out. You’re amazing.

In the midst of all this we decided to put our house on the market. So we’ve been cleaning and de-cluttering for a few weeks and our house looks amazing if I do say so myself.

Went on the market on Tuesday, had a showing on Thursday and two on Sunday. So wish us luck. If we sell, we’ll be in a hurry to find a new house with a little more yard and a little better floor plan. We love Bellevue, it’s location to downtown and everything really, but it’s just feeling a little too cramped for us these days.

I also sold the van this week, which was a nice thing to get taken care of. The woman that’s going to be driving it seems very worthy of it’s greatness. Best of luck old green van. You served us all well. So I guess there’s been a lot going on. I’ll try to make the next one about funny things that the girls say or things that they’re doing, but this was a long story and I’m starting to lose track of what I’m typing. So I hope after all of that  you forgive me for not giving many updates lately. I’ll try to remember to take more pictures here soon so you can see how much hair the girls have these days. It’s crazy.

love you all

Oh my goodness!

August 18, 2009
Well hello there. Just dropping in to post a few updates and to let you know what’s going on with our crazy ladies.

They are finally back in school after a 6 week absence and no they didn’t have a summer vacation. That was all sick time. Thanks pneumonia. But everyone is feeling better and back to normal so we move on. They seemed pumped to be back in school and we’re pumped to send them back.

The house is on the market. Started off hot and fast with 7 showings in the first two weeks (which they say is pretty good), but only one since in the last week and a half. Not one offer.We looked at some houses and tried not to fall in love, but it’s hard not to when you want to get out of this house. We tried to just make out with the houses, but I think we might have fallen for a couple. Fingers crossed on an offer coming in.

The girls are talking so clearly and saying things that you wonder “where did they learn that?” I’ve posted 3 new videos in that section so go check them out. Somehow I made them wide screen, which is good cause they’re bigger, but bad because they take a few minutes to load. I’ll figure that out later. For now enjoy.

We just finished a nice weekend with Grandma in town, capped off with a day at the pool on Sunday. This was two weeks in a row going tot he pool and they started to get more comfortable in the water. They floated, holding on to the step with their feet out yellin “I Fimmin” to anyone who would listen. It was a great day at Aunt Selma’s pool. We hope to keep the little froggies “Fimmin” so they get more comfortable by the end of the summer.

And to close this entry… you might be wondering about the title of this blog (check out the new video, second one down). I don’t know why it’s so funny to me, but one day at our kiddie pool in the back yard, Elle yelled “Oh MY Goodness,” and Hudson followed suit. I thought it was the funnies thing they’ve ever said, so I encourage them to yell it whenever I can. It’s pretty funny.

I’m funny daddy.

September 16, 2009
That’s what Hudson said to me the other morning on the way to school. I thought at first she was saying that I was funny, but like her mother, she thinks she’s funny and I’m not.

I swear, I was like “I’m funny?” And she says, “No, I’m funny daddy.” It was so funny I couldn’t feel too bad about it. Other than that they are saying things that just blow your mind. Forming thoughts and sentences that seem far beyond their years.

Elle fell down the steps the other morning and Tracey won’t tell me much about what happened, because I think she’s still a bit traumatized from watching her baby fall down 14-hardwood steps all the way to the bottom. But don’t worry, her face was there at the bottom to break her fall. See the pic above for proof.

But once again, this kid has an amazing tolerance for pain because she barely cried at all. I think Tracey and I might have cried about it more than she did.

Nothing new to report on the house besides lots of showings and no offers. You have no idea how much work goes into maintaining your house for sale, while you live in it. But, the good thing about this is that we’re fixing a few things around the house that we should have done a while like the windows and painting the porch. Like I said before, if we don’t sell it, at least we’ve made our house nicer.

Check out the new pics and video. It’s a funny one of Elle talking about her spill down the steps.

My best friend

October 6, 2009
It’s funny to think about having a twin isn’t it? The idea of always having someone there. Someone to share in all your good times and bad. A built-in best friend.

Well maybe at 2 1/2 they don’t quite realize it just yet. Because at the moment, if you ask either one of them who their best friend is they will not say their sister’s name. For Elle it’s Maggie from school. For Hudson it’s Adison from school. If you ask them who their best friend is at home, they say “Mommy!”

So maybe it’s just that they don’t realize at the moment that their sister is more than just their sister. That she is her best friend, but they will soon enough. And for now I’m sure Tracey has no problem being the best friend at home.

We went down to the farm this weekend to get some pumpkins. It was a good time all around with the girls playing and loving on everyone. And eating apples, whole. I looked down at Elle at one point and she had eaten the bottom part of the apple. But she liked it enough to finish that one and politely ask Jenny for another one.

We came home with some apples, carmel apples, pumpkins and a day full of fun memories. We’ll be doing it again soon in St. Louis at a farm Tracey believes has the biggest pumpkins in the world. She believes this because she remembers it from when she was the girl’s age. And everything was bigger when you were two feet tall. We’ll see how these pumpkins stack up to the McGlasson’s farm ones. I say they’re even.

I think there are a few more stories I should be telling, but they seem to be escaping me at the moment. I’ll try to remember them and maybe put up another blog entry before the weekend.

My three little piggies

October 30, 2009
Who knew pigs flu?
Swine time.
Who let the pigs out?
It smells like bacon.
With an oink oink here…

I’m a writer so I could technically go on all day. And since I won’t really be writing any print headlines in the near future I think I need to get it out of my system every once in a while. And in case you hadn’t heard, all three of my girls came down with the H1N1 virus.

It’s something we’ve been dreading since we first heard about it in the news. We knew it would come, but we just really didn’t want it to happen, but it did. On our trip to St. Louis, spending time with the family that we don’t get to see that often, Hudson came down with a fever. After a trip to the emergency clinic and an H1N1 test, we found out that Hudson did indeed have it. So we cut our trip short and headed back home. By Sunday, Elle started a fever and wasn’t feeling great. Around the same time Tracey started feeling the effects and we were doomed.

For the most part, you couldn’t really tell that the girls were sick. With a little help from Motrin, they were back up and running all over the house. Tracey on the other hand, got hit a little harder, so for the most part I tried to keep her quarantined to the guest room, where she ran high fevers, felt achy, had a runny nose, threw up and generally felt like she wasn’t going to make it. I on the other hand, besides occasion bouts of hypochondria, was all good. Miraculously.

So, not only did all my girls come down with the flu, but I was supposed to start my new job the next day. Well needless to say, being possibly infected with the new plague was probably not the way I wanted to start off my new gig. “The guy who starts a few days late” sounds a whole lot better than “The new guy who brought us swine flu.”

For those of you who don’t know, I decided to leave Wondergroup and head for the greener pastures of Bridge Worldwide. Yep, that’s right, Tracey and I under one roof. It was an opportunity I couldn’t afford to pass up, so I didn’t. And if you know me well enough, you might be asking yourself, “what about your brother?” Well, he’ll be starting on monday, so the separation only lasted for a week. I’m looking forward to the new challenge and responsibility that comes with my new position and I think it’s all going to work out great for our family.

The flu almost got us a third time this week by almost making us miss our closing on the new house. No we haven’t had it yet, but if I didn’t work this week, then I wouldn’t have gotten paid next week, meaning we wouldn’t have the pay stub to prove I have a job. So thankfully, I just took my two days off as vacation days, didn’t come down with the swine flu and I started on Wednesday. It was a great first half week. Well relatively speaking I guess. Better than having the flu.

As for the houses, I’m still not ready to celebrate just yet, but we’re getting much closer to the closing on both. Can’t wait to get this all behind us and get into our new house, with my new job and just feel….new i guess.

So they say that some of the most stressful things in life are sick kids, starting a new job and selling/buying a new house. Check. Check. Check.

The next post i hope to compile a list of some of the awesome things the girls are saying and doing these days like calling each other “sister” like “sister come over here.” Or “Hey buddy, what are you doin?”

We’re moving. Moved. Still moving.

November 30, 2009
Well, I was planning on writing this soon, but was kind of pushed into it because Beth made a public outcry on facebook to get me to put up more pictures and updates.

Apparently getting the swine flu, selling our house, me getting a new job, buying a new house, starting that job, and moving into the new house was not enough of an excuse.

So here’s the update. Well I guess that is the update. The very brief version of it. We did sell the house. Packed everything into a couple of pods and made the move into our beautiful new house.

While it did seem to take a while to get everything into the pods, it took absolutely no time at all to get them unloaded. I think both fully packed pods were completely empty after a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes. Impressive work by all who helped. Thanks to all of you who loaded and unloaded.

Since we got everything in here, we did get to unpack it all a lot quicker than we expected and it’s all feeling very cozy at the moment.

The girls love their new room (biggest in the house) and their basement (where we have most of their toys). They have a bit more freedom to run around in this house. mostly because of the space and mostly because of the nice padding the carpet provides. I guess now I’ll have to post some pictures of the house on here soon too. Fine, fine I’ll do it.

Elle woke up the first morning here and said “I wanna go my base mint.” They have also been playing really well together. They go up and down the steps together and talk to each other constantly. Elle was telling Hudson last night to “Stop cwyin Huson. You bein BAAAD Girwl and haf to go timeout.”

Hudson has also become very sensitive and after she does something wrong and gets disciplined for it she apologizes for the next half hour. I sowwy Daddy. I sowwy mommy. It’s heartbreaking to hear her say she’s sorry, but it also makes you feel like she is really sorry. Although she turns around and does the same bad thing 10 minutes later. Oh well, they’re fun.

They are counting (most times out of order, but still counting) doing their abc’s (in song form) but they’re getting it more and more every day. They want puzzles from santa, so that’s a good thing I think. They say full sentences and are so smart, daddy’s just not smart enough to remember all the fun things they say.

Hudson has totally become mommy’s girl and Elle is clinging pretty close to daddy. It’s fun at times, but like Tracey pointed out the other night, you do miss the one who isn’t clinging to you.

Well, back to the house. We love it and the girls are happy here too. If you haven’t been over or come in town to see us, please do. we love having company and having people  over to our new house.

The job is going great. Feels great to be a part of a company that is clearly headed in the right direction and really cares about it’s employees. Makes them work hard, but still cares. I finally get what Tracey felt on a daily basis for the past few years. It’s big time. Also it’s great to hear people talk about how much of a rock star she is (which i knew, i just like to hear other people say it too).

This is my first blog back in a while and there’s so much that’s happened so I’m sure there’s lots of stuff I’ve left out and stuff that doesn’t flow or make sense. So if that’s the case please forgive me.

Oh and here’s my first blog call out to my new niece Amelia. Congrats Nichole and John, I know you two are going to be great parents! Hope to see you this weekend little one! Pictures coming soon.

Fresh coat of paint

January 4, 2010
There is nothing quite as refreshing as a new coat of paint. It brightens up a room. It makes things feel fresh. It also personalizes a space and makes it your own. After much thought and deliberation (mostly with herself), Tracey finally picked out the colors that will occupy our space(s) for the next several years and I have to say that it truly does feel like our house now. I added a few pics to the Christmas gallery if you want to see the new colors. Or just stop over for a visit and check them out yourself.

The girls of course (with a little coaching) love the “pwetty new paint walls.” The den is “bue” or “turo coise.” The dining room is a dark grey which actually makes the space look really big (so much for that myth) and the living room is a light grey with all of the trim in the house painted white.

The girls are doing great and getting so big. They really aren’t grasping the potty training thing. To be fair we haven’t done a great job, but when we’ve gone on the full out, no diapers thing, they just don’t get it. I’m sure it’ll click sometime soon, but just not today or this weekend. Lots and lots of accidents later, we finally gave in. Any suggestions would be helpful, but the book tricks aren’t seeming to work.

Other than the potty training, we are experiencing some full out terrible twos. It’s seriously not fun and they say it should be called the terrible threes. So….Weeeeee….can’t wait for that.

We did just come off a great Christmas, where we got to see almost all of our families and spend some quality time with everyone. The girls were truly spoiled by everyone and I have no idea how we’re going to keep all these toys strait, but thank you. They totally (well almost) get what Santa is all about. Mr. Elf was hanging out around the house, keeping an eye on the girls. They of course kissed up to him and said they loved him and they liked his hat and stuff. They’re going to be good in school with that type of charm.

The new year was rung in with Tracey and I in separate towns and that wasn’t fun. She went to visit her dad with the girls and I stayed here to work. The girls had a good time so I’m told by them. Elle road a horsey for a long time and I’m sure that melted Pawpaw’s heart. I stayed here and enjoyed the night with some friends, but it wasn’t quite the same without Trace with me. First time we haven’t been together for the new year in 6 years. So weird.

The Five Most Special Words

February 1, 2010
“I have to go potty.”

We’ve come a long way over the last couple of weeks. In the last entry I was talking about how the girls “just didn’t get it.” But now, today, they are well on their way to not wearing diapers anymore. Hoorray bank account!

After I wrote that last post, Tracey went on her around the world in 7 days trip that left me here with the girls alone. Well I guess I didn’t really stay here and I wasn’t really alone. I went to Chris and Dani’s, Nana and Pop’s, and Grandma came in for the weekend to help me out. While she was here, we went full-out with the potty training.

We started with stickers and the potty bell. They were doing good, but not quite getting there. Enter, the candy. So now they get one piece for pee and two pieces for poop. Too much info? Maybe. But it worked. By the end of Grandma’s stay, Hudson was getting two pieces of candy. And she hasn’t looked back. Elle, does good with one piece, but still hasn’t grabbed on to two pieces.

The potty bell was the key to it all I think. They can say no to “do you want to go potty,” or “It’s time to go potty.” But they couldn’t say no to the potty bell. They just had to do it. The best story from that was, the girls were in the TV room and I rang the potty bell (the bell on the toaster oven) and walked into the room and said “The potty bell went off! Time to go potty!” Hudson looks up and me and said “No daddy, that’s toast.” Tracey turned her head to laugh and I had to do the same. She made us. Figured out our game. But she still asks for the potty bell now, so I like that she humors us.

Overall it’s gone very well. It’s gone so well in fact that today was Hudson’s first day at daycare wearing big girl panties and no pull-up. She only had one accident and we couldn’t be happier.

So there’s an update. One step closer to no more diapers. And I can’t wait.

Hope everyone is doing well. We miss you all and invite everyone to come over to the house and see us. We love it and we love having people visit. And the girls talk about whoever visits for days, so know that you’ll be the talk of the house for a few days. If that’s not motivation I don’t know what is.

Just playin around

March 14, 2010
Nothing major to update, just thought i’d give you a little something if you’ve been a good enough fan of the girls to keep checking back. Nicki assures me that I only get hits because she comes back every day to see if I’ve put up new pictures.

Much to her dismay and to the dismay of anyone else who’s checked back, I’ve been a bad blogger. The girls have no doubt been loud and crazy. They are both potty trained which is amazing for our bank account (diapers are expensive).

It’s funny, because people always say “you wouldn’t believe the things they say,” but that couldn’t be more of a true statement when you have two very vocal 2 (almost 3) year olds. I don’t even think I could do them justice to try to recount some of the things they say. At the moment, Hudson is sitting next to me watching the Celtics vs. Cavs and she noticed that “he didn’t make it daddy.” She followed that up with a “What’s his name?” They want to know who everyone is, what their name is and sometimes who their parents are.

I’ve also been taking them with me to people’s houses to watch the UK games and they’ve been a joy to take with me cause they attach themselves to everyone else in the place but me. So it’s a nice little break.

We finally got to enjoy some nice weather last weekend and we’re all looking forward to getting to play outside all of the time as I’m sure all of you are.


April 4, 2010
What do you do when your kids repeat a naughty word they heard? Do you say something? Do you tell them not to say it anymore? Do you ignore it and hope they don’t say it again? Do you turn your head away so they don’t see you laugh?

Well I definitely chose option 4.

And option 3 too.

Elle decided that there was only one response for the failing banister at the top of our steps….GD. I almost lost it, but then I realized it wasn’t funny and I wasn’t sure what to do. So I ignored it. and hope it goes away. For now.

So we’re coming off of family visit month, capped off by the girls heading off to Grandma’s for the week. It is mighty quiet around the house tonight, hence the blog entry and all the new photos.

Our visitors included Patrick, Linda, Renee, PawPaw, Marsha, Aunt Kiki, Amelia, Uncle John and others. We loved every second of everyone being here. Hosting is not something we’re very practiced at, but having everyone visit our new house was an absolute blast. For the most part the weather held up and the girls entertained everyone.

For people that aren’t around them all the time, they are truly amazed by how much energy and how much these two tiny bundles talk….all of the time…non stop…dusk to dawn. But they most certainly do.

Like I mentioned before, they’ve headed off to Grandma’s house for the week, so we’ll see how this experiment goes. My money is on them having so much fun they don’t miss mommy and daddy too much. But you just never know how the mood will strike them. Keep Grandma Renee in your prayers…she’s going to need it 😉

We are also taking full advantage of this weather and playing outside as much as possible. Making new friends with the 2-year old twins across the street and any other kid they meet at the park. Meeting their neighbor Porter and getting in good with their buddy with a pool, which will be great this summer. I can’t say how much I love our neighborhood. It’s been wonderful so far.

Terrible 3s?

April 22, 2010
On the eve of their 3rd birthday, we experienced a fit the likes of which I never thought possible. I won’t go into great detail, but Elle did not like the idea of having to go to bed early for being a bad girl and she showed it. It was amazing. It’s probably a funnier story in person, so next time you see me ask me about it. I have audio recorded for proof. Man these kids are going to dislike all the technology daddy has handy (HA).

I guess what they say about them actually being the terrible 3s instead of 2s is coming true. Greeeeeeaaaaaat. Can’t wait.

As you can see in the pic above, I don’t only have bad things to report. We took a trip down to visit Mammaw who just made the trip home from Florida. While we were there, we had Jessi and Kasey saddle up a couple of those horses to see if Elle would get back on and ride. It was a silly thought, cause that kid is absolutely fearless. She walked right up to that horse and was ready to go.

After a few laps around the ring with Jessi (riding Romeo), I walked Hudson over to Kasey (riding Sonya) to see if I could at least get her to pet the horse. You’d think the horse was a lion, the way she cries around them. But not on this day. With a little apprehension, we got her to pet the horse. Then with a little coaxing (telling her it was just like her rocking horse at home) she actually sat on the saddle. From there, getting her to ride around the ring was no problem. She was so happy and Tracey and I were almost brought to tears about how brave our little girls were. It was an amazing moment and we felt really good about how we helped Hudson overcome her fear.

I know Jessi and Kasey played a huge role in getting them to ride because the girls just absolutely adore them and want to do whatever their big cousins are doing. So thank you girls. You gave us a truly special day. I think you have a couple of little riding buddies on your hands so get ready every time we come over to have Hudson and Elle asking to ride.

Another fun story that I know Tracey wants me to tell is about how Elle is just like her mommy, not only in looks, but in her voice. I was getting ready for work last week and walked into the girls’ room to get them dressed when Elle looked up at me and said, “why are you wearing your pjs daddy?”

Let it sink in….

I was dressed for work in a vintage button up that somehow Elle believed were my pjs. Tracey about lost it. I of course changed shirts. Who knew my 3 year old would call me out for how I dressed. That’s usually her mommy’s job. Great.

Well, like i said before, we have a big birthday coming up tomorrow and I can’t believe it. My little girls are growing up so fast.

A memorable one

June 5, 2010
This entry is going to take you in a lot of different directions because I have a few stories to tell. First we’re going to bend time and space. I’m going to take you to a place you never thought you could imagine. There are flying cars, space ships and teleportation. It sounds strange right? Well I entered that world that crazy the other night when I took the girls down to the park.

They were shy.

Don’t believe me? Feel like you’re in a different world?

So, there were a group of kids playing with a football and the girls started off ignoring them and just swinging on the swings. Eventually they got curious and walked over to them and stood silently next to them as they played. Just watching the other kids play.

Now this may not seem like such a weird thing. All kids have shy moments right? Well not Hudson and Elle. These two make friends with every single kid that comes to the park. They make friends with their parents and pets. Next thing you know, some other kid’s parent is helping them down or offering them a juice box.

So for them to just be standing there, not engaging with the other kids was weird. It went back to normal shortly, but not without one of the more outstanding moments I’ve witnessed with them. Hudson was sitting next to the kids when one of the parents told his son to “ask the little girls if they want to play.”  The little boy asked Hudson if she wanted to play and she quietly, shyly shook her head yes. She then turned to me and gave me one of the biggest smiles ever, as if to say “They asked me to play!”

It was absolutely amazing and something I will always remember. My daughter being shy is crazy enough, but the sheer joy on her face for being asked to be included was priceless. I hope to experience many, many more of those moments with them.

It seems a little buried down in the blog, but I also thought it was worth mentioning that we sent Napa to live on the farm. Literally. We gave her to Tracey’s Uncle Tom and his family. He’s a vet so she’ll get great care. Tony and Clay are amazing boys and I know they’ll take great care of her. We’ve already heard stories of her swimming and sleeping with Tony, so I’m sure she’s doing great.

It was a tough decision to make, but ultimately the right one for her happiness. She is a great dog and deserves to live in a house where she’ll be the lead dog. She fell way back in the pecking order here and it wasn’t fair. So with a heavy heart we let her go. The girls don’t really know, so if you’re around please don’t bring her up in front of them. Not sure how we’re going to deal with that just yet. They think she’s on vacation with Uncle Tom and the boys.

I also wanted to mention our trip to St. Louis (where we passed off Napa) was absolutely amazing. I said it at dinner that it’s really hard to get that many people together from all over the country if it’s not a funeral or a wedding, so it says a lot about their family that they were all able to get together and make this happen. Good times were had by all and it was great getting to see the cousins we rarely see and even more special to meet the ones I haven’t met yet.

I told you there was a lot to talk about and that I would take you on a journey or two. Hope you had fun and I’ll be back soon.

Long hot summer

August 12, 2010
The picture above was a rare occasion where A) it wasn’t so hot we melted by being outside B) it rained and C) the mosquitos weren’t eating us alive while being outside.

I’ve completely neglected this site all summer and I’d like to be able to say that it’s because we’ve been doing so many fun things, but it’s not. It’s because i’ve been lazy/busy. In my view both of those things are perfectly valid reasons, but i digress.

So the girls are doing great. They’ve been fighting some sort of sinus infection or ear infection all summer, so hopefully we get that cleared up here in the next week or so.

I cleaned out and set up the basement for them as their “princess room,” hoping that they’d embrace it as a fun place that’s theirs. It’s hit or miss, but I think they like it.

Hudson cleaned it tonight and she seemed so proud that she had cleaned what she calls “my house.” This trait could make her our favorite daughter if she helps keep the house clean.

Looking to get Hudson’s herniated bellybutton fixed at some point this summer. We were hoping it would fix itself, but it hasn’t so it looks like surgery is the only way to give Hudson an innie.

Um…what else? Swimming has been fun this summer. I thought that maybe by the end of the summer we’d have them swimming without swimmies, but we had a few weeks off and lost our mojo. Maybe next summer.

I know this entry is pretty short, and not really that funny, but I wanted to put something up for all my avid readers. Hope everyone is well.

Are you mad at me?

November 5, 2010
Elle – Are you mad at me? (to Hudson)
Hudson – No.
Elle – Then what’s your problem?

Followed by a huge laugh between the two of them.

These two are so funny. They constantly say things that crack me up, amaze me and sometimes scare me. I have a hard time keeping up with everything that they’re saying so I’ve started recording their stories on my phone. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with them yet, but I think I can make some money off of these stories. I’ve also started tweeting out what they say, when they say it so that I can keep track of all the great stuff they say.

Follow me/them here: www.twitter.com/natedye07

We just had a great Halloween here in the new neighborhood. You’d have to see it to believe how amazing it is. People get so into it and there are kids everywhere. We had baby melia, henry, oliver, quinn, read, lucy and everyone’s parents over for the trick or treating. It was a blast. We already can’t wait til next year.

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